resident evil 7 birthday puzzle
After authoritative it through the affliction in the Main House and Old House in Resident Evil 7, Lucas Baker takes his about-face disturbing you. When you get the Snake Key, you can admission his allowance on the additional attic of the Main House in the "Kids Room." In the attic aloft Lucas' Room, you'll acquisition a video band blue-blooded "Happy Birthday" which puts you in ascendancy of addition bound in Lucas' Party Allowance in the Testing Area abutting to the Main House. If you can complete the addle in the Happy Altogether band aural 5 minutes, you will acquire the "Out Before Dessert" accomplishment or trophy.
We'll appearance you in this adviser how to exhausted the Happy Altogether Addle Allowance in affluence of time to acquire the achievement. The aboriginal allotment of the addle adviser will detail the accomplished action of commutual the addle the analytic way. The additional allotment of the addle adviser will appearance you aloof the accomplish you charge to booty to exhausted the Party Allowance Happy Altogether band addle as fast as accessible so you can absolutely get the achievement/trophy for assault it in beneath than bristles minutes.
The cold of the Party Allowance addle is to ablaze the candles on the altogether cake. However, Lucas has set motion-activated sprinklers in the aperture to the allowance with the block authoritative this assignment abundant harder than it initially seems.
Take the Candle from the awful antic mannequin abreast the access to the testing room. Advance through the aperture in the coffer adverse the antic and again through the appropriate doorway.
The sprinklers will activate, ablution your candle. Your cold is now to acquisition out how to attenuate the sprinklers. While you're in here, go to the butt and booty the Winder Key. Agenda the oil that begins cloudburst out of it.
Return to the allowance with the mannequin and analysis out the toilet to the larboard of it. Flush the toilet and grab the Dirty Telescope.
Head aback to the aperture with the sprinklers and while they're active on you, accouter the Dirty Telescope. The baptize will apple-pie the Dirty Telescope abrogation you with a approved Telescope.
The Telescope has a polarized lens you can use to attending at the coffer of TV monitors on the coffer in the kitchen. Attending at the screens and agenda the aggregate you see: Hanging Noose, Bird Perched on Tombstone, Fetus.
Return to the allowance with the block and use the aggregate you aloof got to alleviate the chiffonier and accept the Straw Doll.
Go to the kitchen and actuate the burner on the stove. Use the Straw Doll on the stove to acknowledge a Dummy Finger. Also, relight your candle application the stove burner.
Go to the aperture abreast the coffer of TV monitors and use your candle to bake the braiding captivation it shut. Go through the aperture and chase abreast the chiffonier for a Balloon.
Use the Airship on the aqueduct on the coffer with the reaper corrective on it. The Airship will pop, and you will accept the Quill Pen.
You're now accessible to accumulate the mannequin. Return to the awful antic mannequin and abode the Dummy Finger on its larboard hand, again the Quill Pen in its larboard duke again use the Winder Key on the mannequin's anatomy to apprentice the countersign to the bound aperture in the airship room: "LOSER."
Go to the airship allowance and access "LOSER" into the padlock on the aperture in the aback of the room. Access the now apart aperture and grab the Valve Handle.
Proceed aback to the block allowance and use the Valve Handle on the aqueduct to the ancillary of the aperture to attenuate the sprinklers.
Return to the kitchen to relight your Candle and complete the addle by agreement it on the altogether cake.
Whether you're aggravating to get the accomplishment in the Happy Altogether band or you've alternate to the Party Allowance as Ethan after in the bold and appetite to break alive, the afterward is the quickest way to complete the Party Allowance puzzle.
If you chase these steps, you'll complete the addle in beneath bristles account and get your trophy, and as Ethan, you charge complete it this way to advance added in the game.
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